Lab-Grown Diamonds

Explore the new and exciting world of lab-grown diamonds, a burgeoning new concept that offers incredible value and maximum sparkle. What makes a lab-grown stone right for you and how do they differ from their mined counterparts? Find your answer below in our expert lab-grown diamond guide.

What is a lab-grown diamond and are they considered to be real diamonds?

Lab-grown diamonds are diamonds grown by scientists in a laboratory instead of being mined from the earth. They are identical both optically, and in their chemical makeup, to natural mined diamonds–they are not synthetic diamonds. The most significant differences between natural and lab-created diamonds are the process of how they’re made, and how rare they are.

Lab-grown diamonds are 100% authentic diamonds - the natural process of forming diamonds that would take billions of years, intense heat and incredible pressure is replicated in a laboratory.

How are lab-grown diamonds made?

There are two methods used to create lab-grown diamonds. Lab-grown diamonds start with a graphite (pure carbon) diamond seed. These seeds are placed inside a plasma reactor (in the case of the CVD method) or a large mechanical press (if using the HPHT method). Then, a combination of heat, pressure and a source of pure carbon is used to make the diamonds grow, layer by layer.

In nature, it takes millions of years for diamonds to form. In a lab, a one-carat stone can be grown in about two weeks.

How are Beards lab diamonds different?

As with mined diamonds, not all lab diamonds are created or cut perfectly. We ensure that the lab diamonds we select are the very best.

We invest in IGI or GIA-certified stones because we value the trust that comes from working with the best diamond grading authorities in the world.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much do lab diamonds cost?

With ever-improving techniques and technology, the price of lab-grown diamonds has dropped in recent years. With increased investment in the processes used to create them, lab diamonds are now currently up to 60% less than mined diamonds. The demand for lab-grown diamonds is much lower than for mined stones–and additionally–as an emerging luxury option, the market has yet to become a mainstream alternative option due to false information and doubts regarding quality.

Do lab diamonds test as real diamonds?

Yes, lab-created diamonds will test positive with a diamond tester. Although grown by scientists in a lab instead of in the earth's crust, lab diamonds are absolutely real diamonds.

If you were to place lab diamonds next to mined diamonds, you would not be able to see any difference at all.

Expert gemologists cannot tell the difference between the two with the naked eye. A lab diamond can only be distinguished from mined diamonds using specialized equipment that can detect minor differences in trace elements and crystal growth.

Are lab-grown diamonds sustainable?

In comparison to the impact that traditional diamond mining causes has on the earth and environment, lab-grown diamonds are a less destructive and more sustainable option. But please do bear in mind that artificial diamonds take a great amount of power to enable their growth - in the region of 250 kWh to 750 kWh. With improving technology and the adoption of solar-powered processes this number is currently dropping. At Beards, we source our stones from providers who are transparent and ethical regarding their production. 

Are lab diamonds the same as Moissanite?

No, moissanite is a completely different mineral to lab-grown diamonds, with a completely different optical look and hardness rating.

Do lab diamonds have value?

Just like mined diamonds, their value will vary over time. Since lab diamonds are an emerging market, there is more uncertainty on future pricing, when compared to mined diamonds, which are a finite resource from the earth.

We value your ability to choose what matters most to you. When it comes to your diamond jewellery, we encourage you to select the type of diamond that works best for your budget and preferences. At Beards, our aim is to provide the choice of exceptional quality lab-grown diamond jewellery that fits your preferences and budget.

Can you insure lab-grown diamond jewellery?

Yes, just like a mined diamond, lab-grown diamond jewellery can be insured.

How do I decide if a lab diamond is right for me?

If you are looking to maximize your budget for a larger carat weight or higher quality diamond, lab-grown diamonds may be the best choice for you.

Just as with our mined diamond jewellery, we will always offer the best diamonds available on the market to create exceptionally high-quality jewellery, so you don’t have to sacrifice quality when it comes to your jewellery purchase.

Can I have a lab-grown design with a mined stone or vice-versa?

Yes, as we manufacture our jewellery in-house, we are more than happy to accommodate your stone requirements. Please get in touch with us to discuss this further.